Understanding Landfill Gas and Its Impacts
Landfill gas is produced by the breakdown of waste in landfills over time. It is mainly composed of methane and carbon dioxide, as well as small amounts of other gases like nitrogen, oxygen, and other trace gases.
Landfill gas can travel significant distances underground under the right conditions. This can present an ongoing risk of hazards to properties neighbouring existing or former landfill sites including the potential for explosions and asphyxiation.
The purpose of a Landfill Gas Risk Assessment
The objective of a LFG RA is to assess the likelihood that landfill gas exists at a specific site, and if it is present, whether the gas is likely to migrate and potentially impact nearby receptors. Risk assessment is important because, as mentioned above, landfill gas can cause problems like explosions, fires, and the release of harmful pollutants into the air.
As a result of the risks posed by landfill gas, Local Councils often require LFG RAs to be undertaken as a condition of development within buffer zones of known closed or operating landfills.
Regulatory Framework in Melbourne, Victoria
EPA Victoria currently have existing guidelines (EPA publication 1642 - Assessing planning proposals within the buffer of a landfill) that provide for assessment of landfill gas in planning permits for developments up to 500 m from closed or currently operational landfills.
This guidance is set to be expanded in newly proposed guidelines (EPA publication 1950 - Landfill buffer guideline) potentially extending buffer zones requiring assessment around landfills up to 1,500m. While the proposed guidelines are still in draft form they still need to be taken into consideration as part of the ‘state of knowledge’ on assessing risks from landfill gas consistent with the Environment Protection Act 2017.
Conducting a Landfill Gas Risk Assessment
A LFG RA should be conducted by a suitably qualified environmental consultant, such as Automated Environmental, with demonstrated experience in conducting LFG RAs for developments near landfills.
For the purposes of satisfying Council planning permit conditions, it is the permit applicant’s role to engage a consultant to undertake the LFG RA.
Advanced Techniques and Technologies Used
Automated Environmental utilises automated workflows from desktop and on-site data collection through to reporting in the preparation of LFG RA. This approach allows for timely, cost-efficient initial assessment of sites to meet planning permit conditions and understand any potentially required further works.
Why Use Automated Environmental for your Landfill Gas Risk Assessment
Engaging Automated Environmental to complete your LFG RA will result in an efficient, cost-effective, and accurate assessment of potential risks to human health and the environment from landfill gas.
This can help to ensure the safety of your development and timely compliance with relevant planning permit conditions.
To learn more about our tailored solutions and how we can assist you in achieving your project objectives get in touch with us below, or Book a Project Discussion.
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